Quick Start

Create a scene

  1. Install the Eighti plugin ( see Installation for steps ) to your existing project
  2. Make a folder in Content Browser under Content, naming could be arbitrary.
  3. From the Content brower, create a new Misc\PAT Asset content type and fill in the Remote URI parameter with a path to the hosted content of your choice.
  4. From Place Actor window, search PATActor, or you can scroll down from the All Classes list, then drag and drop an PATActor to your scene.
  5. Select the PATActor by clicking the preview mesh associated with it.
  6. Navigate to the imported asset in Content Browser, keep it selected.
  7. Optionally, press Ctrl-S to save the asset.
  8. In the Details Panel, expand the PatActor options, click the small ‘<-’ button next to the PAT Data Asset. It will assign the asset to the PatActor.